Sunday Diet
Christ Jesus had in many ways proved His divinity and power. He had in many occasions demonstrated His love and might. There is nothing impossible for God to do-and so also Christ Jesus. His love for us wouldn't allow Him to forsake us. He is always moved to do good for us. Love cannot allow God to abandon His children who genuinely call onto him. (ref: Jn 11) Even onto death, He is with us. What a love my people. He do it for us to believe and trust in him. So what are you waiting for? Come let us approach the throne of mercy and love. A throne that welcomes and cherishes all, no matter your color, height, size and so on. He cares for you and me, that's the best. God loves you even now.
In Mr. Shima's funeral prayer, the priest preached how good Mr. Shima was. He said, that Mr. Shima was such a wonderful Christian who devoted his time in serving God. And shone every form of evil. At this, Mrs. Shima touched her son and told him to look into the coffin to check who is actually inside.
In Mr. Shima's funeral prayer, the priest preached how good Mr. Shima was. He said, that Mr. Shima was such a wonderful Christian who devoted his time in serving God. And shone every form of evil. At this, Mrs. Shima touched her son and told him to look into the coffin to check who is actually inside.
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