Bible Tip
Bible Tips
Patient and Endurance
day God wants us to be patient and endure life suffering. Life itself is a
transient. And everything in life is therefore, passing away. To live like a Christian
calls for a total patient and endurance. Never give up! Hear what the Holy Bible
is telling us in James 5:7-8:
Be patient, then, my brothers and sisters,
until the Lord comes. See how patient a farmer is as he waits for his land to
produce precious crops. He waits patiently for the autumn and spring rains. You
also must be patient. Keep your hopes high, for the day of the Lord’s coming is
farmer who sows his seed does that with patient because he don’t know what will
become of his farmer. If rain will actually fall or not and if it does to what extent
and so on. There is one thing we should know- that it took God himself patient
to create the whole universe. If it is whether things will get well definitely
it will as long as Jesus lives. All it takes is patient. Everybody wasn’t born
at the same time and so will not die, prosper, be educated, be leaders at the
same time. There is time for everything as you know. Follow me to Isaiah
43:1-7, there, God assures us that even though we suffer is just for a moment.
every problem has expiring date you know. Let us today move ahead forgetting
all life problems that want to take away the joy of the Lord in our life. Call upon
master Jesus in times of trouble and He is sure to answer I tell you. Our welfare
is His concern always. But remember always rejoice and give thanks to God.
Once, a test was conducted to check the endurance of
people of different professions. A doctor was sent to the pig-sty first. He couldn’t
stay there for one hour. An engineer was sent there next. He managed to stay
there for two hours. Then, a politician was sent in. To my greatest surprise
and everyone there, after almost five ours the pig rushed out of the pig-sty. Thanks.
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