Will He Miss Me If I Leave Him
Does He Miss Me?
If you are asking this question, the answer depends on how long you have been together, how surrounded by people he is, and how long you have left him alone.
If you two have been together for three months or less, he certainly could be missing you if you have only been in no contact for a few days, but it will likely take a few weeks or often more.
If you have been with your boyfriend for a year or more, then sometimes it takes longer for him to miss you unless he fears that he is losing you.
If he fears he is losing you and loses the ability to expect you to reach out to him, then there is a high likelihood that he does miss you.
To help make the answer to the question, “Does he miss me,” a “yes,” read all of this article to learn how you can use the right kinds of pressure to get him to miss you and to miss you enough to reach out to you to get back together.
How Can I Get Him To Miss Me?
By using the no contact rule, you attack the breakup with a double-edged sword:
One side being that by not contacting him, you ensure that you can’t do harm to the already delicate situation.
The other side being that you attract him back to you.
If You Leave Him Alone You Also Show The Following Attractive Traits
1. You show him that you are a good listener. He has asked for you to give him space and to exit his life at the moment. Show him that you are a good listener and respect his wishes even when you aren’t getting your way.
It is actually a bit narcissistic to attempt to force yourself on someone who is asking that they have time and space away from you. It’s basically you saying, “I know you want this for your life but what I want is more important.”
Do that and he will run as far as he can away from you! Leave him alone and he will miss you. What an extreme difference in reactions!
2. You show maturity. When a child (or a childish person) doesn’t get their way, they pitch a fit. They refuse to accept the situation. They pout and cry until mommy or daddy buys them the toy or lets them eat chocolate cake for breakfast.
A childish, spoiled person is an unattractive one. Show him that you can handle difficulty and situations you don’t like with class, dignity, and maturity. If you have been wishing you could show him what he is going to miss out on by giving you up as a girlfriend, here’s your big opportunity!
3. That you are strong. By leaving him alone and giving him space, you show that you are strong and can handle adversity. As I pointed out above, this is a very attractive trait. But what’s more, showing him strength in this situation also communicates to him that he can’t place you in the category of “backup plan.” He can’t think that he can simply date as many other women as he wants, take his time, and assume that you will be waiting around on him as a backup plan.
You show him that you have the strength to move on which places urgency on the situation once he starts missing you. Again, this is another tremendous advantage to leaving him alone so that he can miss you.
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