9 things a guy will do when he’s crazy about you

It’s not always easy to know when a guy is in love with you for real. But there are certain things he starts doing differently that gives him away.
It’s tough. But there is an easy way of finding out if he loves you. Guys, without even realising it, have at least nine “tells” that let you know they’re crazy about you. In other words, they start acting really strange …
1) They Follow You Everywhere: Okay, no, they don’t follow you around in a really creepy, stalker-ish way. But all of a sudden, they’re ready to accompany you everywhere – even on shopping trips! So weird. One moment you couldn’t get him off his video game, and now he’s ready to be at your beck and call.
2) They Talk About The Future: Usually, it’s really difficult to get a guy to talk about the future. Whether they’re blasting zombies on their video games or shouting at their favourite sports teams, guys often prefer to live in the moment.
3) They’ll Let You Dress Them: You know what it’s like when you first get together with him. You like him, find him attractive and think he’s cool … but his dress sense if just so off. Guys aren’t always the best at dressing themselves (sorry guys!), and it sometimes seems that they just don’t care if they look a bit scruffy.
4) They Respect Your Opinion: Guys – unknowingly – can be a little bit disregarding of our opinions at first. It’s as though our opinions don’t matter as much as those of his best buddy who once drank 30 beers in one night and ran naked into an old peoples’ home. As though we’re not as mature in our thoughts and advice as that guy.
5) They Have Eyes Only For You: A hot waitress just walked by and your man didn’t even so much as bat an eyelid. What gives?!
6) They Open Up About Their Fears: Guys have fears and worries just like girls, even if there is no way they’ll admit this when you two first get together. You know what it’s like. He’s tough, plays it cool and nothing phases him.
7) They’ll Be There For You When You’re Sick: Sick tonight? If you’ve not been dating long, there’s a chance he’ll just pass on seeing you and go out with his buddies instead. You might not be happy about that, but hey, no one’s really committed just yet and he doesn’t want cooties.
8) They Give It To You Straight: If a guy isn’t madly in love with you but just wants to get inside your pants, he’ll spend a lot of time telling you the things you want to hear, rather than the things you need to hear. But once he cares passionately about you, he’ll be more direct. He’ll tell you the truth. If you need to believe in yourself more, he’ll tell you. If you need to start focusing a lot more on your career, he’ll tell you. If you need to stop being so lazy, he’ll tell you.
9) They Listen!: It’s so hard getting a guy to listen to you so that you know you have his undivided attention. Often, he’s so distracted that he goes and does the thing you just told him not to do. So how do you get a guy to pay more attention to you? You make him crazy about you!
It’s tough. But there is an easy way of finding out if he loves you. Guys, without even realising it, have at least nine “tells” that let you know they’re crazy about you. In other words, they start acting really strange …
1) They Follow You Everywhere: Okay, no, they don’t follow you around in a really creepy, stalker-ish way. But all of a sudden, they’re ready to accompany you everywhere – even on shopping trips! So weird. One moment you couldn’t get him off his video game, and now he’s ready to be at your beck and call.
2) They Talk About The Future: Usually, it’s really difficult to get a guy to talk about the future. Whether they’re blasting zombies on their video games or shouting at their favourite sports teams, guys often prefer to live in the moment.
3) They’ll Let You Dress Them: You know what it’s like when you first get together with him. You like him, find him attractive and think he’s cool … but his dress sense if just so off. Guys aren’t always the best at dressing themselves (sorry guys!), and it sometimes seems that they just don’t care if they look a bit scruffy.
4) They Respect Your Opinion: Guys – unknowingly – can be a little bit disregarding of our opinions at first. It’s as though our opinions don’t matter as much as those of his best buddy who once drank 30 beers in one night and ran naked into an old peoples’ home. As though we’re not as mature in our thoughts and advice as that guy.
5) They Have Eyes Only For You: A hot waitress just walked by and your man didn’t even so much as bat an eyelid. What gives?!
6) They Open Up About Their Fears: Guys have fears and worries just like girls, even if there is no way they’ll admit this when you two first get together. You know what it’s like. He’s tough, plays it cool and nothing phases him.
7) They’ll Be There For You When You’re Sick: Sick tonight? If you’ve not been dating long, there’s a chance he’ll just pass on seeing you and go out with his buddies instead. You might not be happy about that, but hey, no one’s really committed just yet and he doesn’t want cooties.
8) They Give It To You Straight: If a guy isn’t madly in love with you but just wants to get inside your pants, he’ll spend a lot of time telling you the things you want to hear, rather than the things you need to hear. But once he cares passionately about you, he’ll be more direct. He’ll tell you the truth. If you need to believe in yourself more, he’ll tell you. If you need to start focusing a lot more on your career, he’ll tell you. If you need to stop being so lazy, he’ll tell you.
9) They Listen!: It’s so hard getting a guy to listen to you so that you know you have his undivided attention. Often, he’s so distracted that he goes and does the thing you just told him not to do. So how do you get a guy to pay more attention to you? You make him crazy about you!
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