NEWS: U.S. Reacting At Analog Pace

WASHINGTON — Of the many questions left unanswered by the American intelligence agencies’ accusation that Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin,
led a multilayered campaign to influence the 2016 presidential
election, one stands out: Why did it take the Obama administration more
than 16 months to develop a response?
short answer, suggested by the report the agencies released on Friday,
is that the United States government is still responding at an analog
pace to a low-grade, though escalating, digital conflict.
report, compiled by the F.B.I., the C.I.A. and the National Security
Agency, makes no judgments about the decisions that the agencies or the
White House made as evidence of Russian activity mounted. But to anyone
who reads between the lines and knows a bit of the back story not
included in the report, the long lag times between detection and
reaction are stunning.
delays reveal fundamental problems with American cyberdefenses and
deterrence that President-elect Donald J. Trump will begin to confront
in two weeks, regardless of whether he continues to resist the report’s
findings about Russia’s motives.
intrusion hardly had the consequences of Pearl Harbor some 75 years
ago, when the incoming force was seen on radar and dismissed. But it had
similar characteristics. Then, as now, a failure of imagination about
the motives and plans of a longtime adversary meant that government
officials were not fully alert to the possibility that Mr. Putin might
try tactics here that have worked so well for him in Ukraine, the
Baltics and other parts of Europe.
while American intelligence officials — who were focused primarily on
the Islamic State and other urgent threats like China’s action in the
South China Sea and North Korea’s nuclear and missile threat — saw what
was happening, they came late to its broader implications.
was telling that within an hour of the release of the report on Friday,
the secretary of homeland security, Jeh Johnson, declared for the first
time that America’s election system — the underpinning of its democracy
— would be added to the list of “critical infrastructure.” This after
years of cyberattacks on campaigns and government agencies.
the intelligence report’s most glaring example of the government’s
lagging response, it says that “in July 2015, Russian intelligence
gained access to Democratic National Committee
networks” and stayed there for 11 months, roaming freely and copying
the contents of emails that it ultimately released in the midst of the
election. Classified briefings circulating in Washington indicate that
British intelligence had alerted the United States to the intrusion by
fall 2015.
immediately, a low-level special agent with the F.B.I. alerted the
Democratic National Committee’s information technology contractor, which
doubted the call and did nothing for months. The F.B.I. failed to
escalate the issue, even though it was clear from the start that the
attackers were almost certainly the same Russians who had mounted
similar campaigns against the State Department, the White House and the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.
a news conference in December, President Obama made it clear that he
was not aware of any of this until mid-2016, nearly a year after the
hacking began and the British had sent up a flare.
the beginning of the summer,” Mr. Obama said, “we’re alerted to the
possibility that the D.N.C. has been hacked, and I immediately order law
enforcement as well as our intelligence teams to find out everything
about it” and to brief “potential victims” and “the relevant
intelligence agencies.”
was not until Oct. 7, 2016, 15 months after the initial hacking attack,
that the intelligence agencies first publicly blamed Russia. Even then,
Mr. Obama made it clear that he did not want to escalate the situation
before the election, for fear of getting into a tit-for-tat cyberwar in which Russia might try to alter the actual vote tallying. (It did not.)
“We were just too slow, at every turn,” one of Mr. Obama’s top aides said in an interview late last year.
director of the N.S.A., Adm. Michael S. Rogers, has said the problem
was hardly limited to this case. “The biggest frustration to me is
speed, speed, speed,” he told the Senate Armed Services Committee on
Thursday, in response to a question from Senator Jack Reed of Rhode
Island, the top Democrat on the panel, about the obstacles to seeing a
threat from abroad and acting on it here in the United States.
have got to get faster; we’ve got to be more agile,” said Admiral
Rogers, who clashed with White House officials when they thought he was
acting too slowly against the Islamic State. “We can’t be bound by
history and tradition here. We have to be willing to look at
Putin, for his part, played a weak hand skillfully, blending old
information-warfare techniques with the echo chamber created by the
internet. It is clear that Mr. Putin saw a huge vulnerability in the
American system that was ripe to be exploited.
country’s highly partisan politics, with cable channels and websites
devoted to pressing an agenda for the fully convinced and the
half-convinced, made it more vulnerable to any disclosures that could
capture a news cycle. Add to that the uniquely Russian combination of
covert espionage and the disclosure of the emails it harvested, as well
as the release of “kompromat” — compromising information about
politicians and policy makers — and “fake news,” a tactic not above
American officials at times.
the report released on Friday makes clear, this is hardly the end of
the story. Elections are coming up in France and Germany, where Mr.
Putin has a great interest in the outcomes. Anything that weakens the
NATO alliance, in the Kremlin’s view, strengthens Russia’s hand.
And then there is the next election cycle in this country.
now, when government officials thought about “critical infrastructure,”
they usually thought of physical places and things: the power grid, the
cellphone network, airports and even historical sites, like the
Washington Monument.
infrastructure is vital to our national interests, and cyberattacks on
this country are becoming more sophisticated, and bad cyberactors —
ranging from nation-states, cybercriminals and hacktivists — are
becoming more sophisticated and dangerous,” Mr. Johnson said.
same words could have been written after the Chinese went into the
networks of Mr. Obama’s campaign and that of his Republican opponent in
2008, Senator John McCain of Arizona. They could have been written after
the Iranians responded to the American-Israeli attack on their nuclear
facilities by attacking American banks, or when the North Koreans went
after Sony Pictures Entertainment in retaliation for a comic film that
envisioned the assassination of Kim Jong-un, the nation’s leader.
the warning about Russia — a public intelligence report like the one
issued on Friday — might have been written after the F.S.B. and the
G.R.U., the two major Russian intelligence agencies, struck the computer
systems of the State Department, the White House and the Joint Chiefs
of Staff.
the government decided not to publicly name who had been behind the
attacks. That has changed, at least for now. It is unclear whether Mr.
Trump will decide that disclosure or silence is the best policy.
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